A plan without a vision, …is a dream.
A vision without a plan, …is a nightmare.

The ONE DAY – ONE PAGE STRATEGIC PLAN is an easy and effective way to focus you and your team on your vision. Knowing your Desired Outcome and engaging your team around that outcome is the critical first step, and where most plans fail. Then understanding where you are – your Benchmark – allows for a plan to be developed for each of the nine functions of your business.

Nearly all plans set a Desired Outcome bigger, higher, and beyond your current Benchmark. Rarely do plans work out that way. There is a Range of Uncertainty: excelling, flattening, or declining that can occur. Scenario Planning is a nimble process for alternating your management actions to reset the course before it is too difficult or too late to recover. Don’t be surprised when things change quickly.

The best way to predict the future is to…create it.

Build your strategic map to achieve success in an environment of consistent change. Prepare scenario plans that will guide your long- and short-term decision making, and develop winning strategies specific to current and future economic trends and conditions.

  • Availability of funding    
  • Economic growth and industry trends
  • Changing environmental regulations        
  • Political and policy initiatives
  • Technological advances
  • Workforce availability

We assist businesses with a framework and process for understanding the:

Scenario planning enables you to adjust to marketplace opportunities regardless of changing conditions.

Add predictability and managed growth to your strategies. The future is yours to achieve…it could just take a day!

Contact me for insightful and invigorating facilitation of your strategic planning process.